Terms of use

Welcome to our website! To ensure a comfortable and safe experience for all users, we have developed a usage policy that all visitors must adhere to. By using our website, you automatically agree to this policy. Please read it carefully:

Content Publication

  • Our website provides a platform for exchanging and publishing information on various topics. You can leave comments, share your stories and opinions, as well as ask questions.
  • We encourage discussions and diverse points of view, but we request that you respect other users. It is prohibited to publish offensive, derogatory, or comments or articles containing explicit language.
  • Posting content that violates copyright or contains illegal information is not allowed.
  • The administration reserves the right to remove or edit any content that violates our rules.

Commenting on Articles

  • Comments on articles should be constructive and meaningful. Insults, personal attacks, spreading hatred, and discrimination based on any characteristics are not allowed.
  • Posting spam, advertisements, or links to unwanted websites is prohibited.
  • The administration is not responsible for the content of comments but has the right to remove or edit any comments that violate our rules.

Link Placement

  • Placing links to third-party websites or social media is allowed if it is relevant to the article’s topic and provides additional information or context.
  • Posting links to sites with illegal content, malware, or spam is prohibited.

Google Analytics and Google Adsense

  • Our website uses Google Analytics to collect anonymized visitor data. This information helps us analyze traffic and improve the user experience. We comply with Google Analytics’ privacy policy and do not share personal information with third parties.
  • We also use Google Adsense to display advertisements on our website. Google ads may be tailored based on users’ previous visits to other websites. This practice is standard in the advertising industry and helps provide more relevant ads.

Social Media Shares

  • We provide social media sharing features such as Facebook, Telegram, and others to allow users to easily share interesting articles.
  • When using the sharing feature, please ensure that you comply with the rules of the respective platforms and do not violate their policies.

The website administration reserves the right to make changes to the usage policy as necessary. We recommend checking for updates regularly. In case of rule violations, the administration may take appropriate measures, including content removal or user blocking.

Thank you for using our website!